The Prosperity Breakthrough

Mastering Wealth & Creating Financial Happiness

Making The Prosperity Breakthrough

Have you experienced an unexpected job loss, a medical emergency, a divorce, out-of-control spending or an unscrupulous business partner – or even family members that somehow put you in financial stress?

Then there's this ideal life that you desire but despite your best efforts and even your hard work, just doesn't come?

Why is it seemingly so difficult to find wealth and sustain wealth?


Whatever we want to manifest in life, making a BREAKTHROUGH is the first step towards success.

We often set our intention or goals in life of what we want beyond ourselves but fail to realise that the ultimate hold-back is always within us - like a car all set to reach it's destination without checking on its own engine's malfunction.

In this special wealth breakthrough workshop, Jessie Lee will be guiding you to use your own Chinese Astrology (Bazi) chart to make your personal BREAKTHROUGHS to manifest the abundant life you've always desired. 

What's Happening At This  Breakthrough Workshop:

  • Clarify your vision so that you know exactly where you are stuck in life
  • Discover strategies to up your financial game now
  • Insights into your wealth potential and how to maximize the capacity
  • Recognize and Overcome Self-Sabotaging behaviors & thoughts
  • Dissolve internal blockages so that you can have the life that you want
  • Understand your greatest strengths and weaknesses to your path of least resistance
  • And much more..

This workshop will impart clarity on what has been holding you back from abundance & empower you to BREAKTHROUGH these blockages so you can manifest the life you desire.

Once we realize and understand that life happens for us and not to us, and money is just another form of energy flow, we can flow with this energy and turn experiences into wisdom and pain into power!

Any Prerequisite To Attend  A Breakthrough Workshop?

Make sure you have good internet access and a connected device (preferably a laptop, computer or tablet). And get ready to turn on your camera in Zoom. Treat that as your first Personal Breakthrough if you have never turn on your video camera in a live online workshop!

Get Your Ticket Now

The prosperity breakthrough
(Introductory price)


100.00 180.00

Date:: 3 April 2021 (Sat)

Time: 2 pm - 5 pm (GMT +8)

Venue: Online (Zoom)

About Jessie Lee

Jessie Lee was once an ordinary woman struggling with her own marriage and life with 4 children while striving to own back her life and independence. Having gone through many uncertainties, fear and worries, she has overturned fate by mastering the skills of Chinese Metaphysics and through that, her life, which she now lives freely and independently.

Jessie Lee believes that life is partially fated and mainly engineered. She now passionately shares her own experiences in transforming lives. Jessie has also helped and guided many people with her practical approach with Chinese Metaphysics including global business owners, top management officials and politicians and royalties both local and abroad.

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